Submitted by Nikki on
Students completed two pages of a "quiz" about preterite/imperfect conjugations. We went over answers as a class.
There are several common irregular verbs in the preterite that students need to know. Here are the irregular preterite conjugations. We focused on: tener, poder, poner, venir, ser, estar, decir.
We learned several refranes/dichos (sayings) en español:
* Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona queda.
* Dime con quién andas y te diré quien eres.
* El ave temprano atrapa el lombriz.
Here are several Spanish sayings and their translations.
Tarea: students are to memorize irregular preterite conjugations (above) and chose a partner and refran/dicho that they want to write a story about. We will be writing the story on Thursday so they just need to identify the refrain.