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Tiempo: poema de los meses

PDF icon poema_meses.pdf713.07 KB
PDF icon Poema_de_los_Meses.pdf10.89 KB
Class Activities: 

Students arrived and corrected their quiz they took Monday using notes. If they were unable to finish in the first 5 minutes of class, they need to finish as homework.

Students called out the months which I wrote on the board. I presented a poem that talk about weather and we learned weather-related phrases. The poem is attached.

After going over the meaning of the poem, students were given attached sheet with photos. There are 12 photos, each matching a description of a month from the poem. Students were to cut out the photos, put them in order and paste them on a big sheet of construction paper. Along with the photos, students wrote the whole poem.

Tarea: finish correcting test if student didn't finish in class.

Class topics: 
Fluency level: