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Ocio: listening activity and guía de ocio

Class Activities: 

Students arrived and received a Guía de ocio and responded to questions about the guide.

Students listened to the attached recording where a daughter and mother talk about their hobbies. Students received attached worksheet with pictures/drawings depicting the different hobbies. As they listened, students had to put an A or B next to each picture/drawing depending on whether the daughter (A) or mother (B) described the hobby.

Fluency level: 

Ocio: repaso

Class Activities: 

Students filled out attached do now activity at start of class.

In small groups, students were given (attached) vocabulary words we've used recently in our ocio unit related to art and sports. Students took turns choosing a word they had to either describe in Spanish, draw, or act out. Other students were to guess the words.

Tarea: No hay (since students are busy with expo this week).

Class topics: 
Fluency level: 

Ocio: deportes

Class Activities: 

Students conjugated a verb in each of the categories for stem-changing verbs for do now activity. We are collecting students do now activities from the last few weeks on flashcards so that students will have them to study.

(e:ie) like querer
(o:ue) like poder
(e:i) like pedir

As a class, we started talking about our new unit: ocio (leisure). Students shared various free time activities they like to do. We started focusing on one cagegory, deportes (sports). In pairs, students received the attached worksheet where they were to identify the sports described. Went over answers after students had 25 minutes to work.

Tarea: study for review exam. On Thursday we will spend some time preparing before students will take test.

Class topics: 
Fluency level: 
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