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adjectives that describe cities

Latin American cities: quiz

Class Activities: 

Students completed attached quiz (without notes). If your student was absent today, please have them complete and bring the quiz to me. It took most students around 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Students completed a word scramble (attached) with vocabulary related to places in a city.

Tarea: bring in a list of 5 things you like and 5 activities you like (and can look them up in a dictionary or at

Fluency level: 

Latin American cities: Cusco part 2

Class Activities: 

Students completed attached do now activity.

In pairs, students received map (attached) of Cusco and had to fill in blanks on the worksheet attached. Ej. La plaza principal en Cusco se llama ____________________ (la Plaza de Armas).

When they completed this task, below the line on the attached worksheet where it says Postales, students filled in the blanks as if they were writing a postcard from Cusco.

Tarea: Students should fill in the Postales text on the worksheet and make a postcard. They can use a photo of Cusco that they print out or they can draw a map or a picture of themselves in Cusco. On the back side of the "postcard", transfer and fill in the wording in the Postales section of the worksheet.

Fluency level: 
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