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Before School: La comida del mundo (1/18)

Class Activities: 

-Students practiced translating numbers and dollar amounts into Spanish. If you missed class, practice at home translating: 16, 9, 27, 35, $4.74, $1.99, $17.50
-Students practiced conversational skills with one another.
-We discussed expectations for this class. I reminded students that they are expected to participate, show effort, do the assignments in a timely manner, take responsibility, and communicate with me. If you are not sure if there is homework, you may check this website. If you miss class, you may check the website for the lesson and assignments, and talk to me about your absence.
-Students presented the dish they looked up for homework to the rest of the class.
-We will be going on our field trip to the Latin Supermarket tomorrow. We will meet in the Spanish room tomorrow at 11:00am. We will be back in time for lunch.
-Students have no homework.

Class topics: 
Fluency level: