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Comida: menu prices

Microsoft Office document icon information_gap_menu_prices.doc13.5 KB
Class Activities: 

Students arrived and completed the activity below.
Circle the one that doesn't make sense.

  1. a) gaseosa b) té c) chocolate d) jugo de naranja
  2. a) manzana b) lechuga c) fresa d) uva
  3. a) puerco b) pollo c) aguacate d) res
  4. a) sandía b) cebolla c) lechuga d) zanahorias
  5. a) pan b) arroz c) ciruela d) papa

Students were given a similar but different partial menu (attached). Each menu only contained half of the pricing information, so students had to ask each other "¿cuánto cuesta el té con limón?" while the other student answered. Once we were done, reviewed menus, definitions and prices as a class.

Tarea: continue to work on vocabulary related to food that we've been working on the last month. Students will be taking a test shortly on food vocabulary.

Class topics: 
Fluency level: