Before school intermediate: Carnaval, 2/8/13
Submitted by Nikki on
Students arrived and labeled things in a classroom on the sheet attached. We are doing a bit of review and practice at the beginning of each class to make sure students still remember vocabulary and concepts they learned in the past.
We added two new review topics: numbers and a quick conversation about the weekend.
* Numbers: students counted by tens to 100 and from 100 to 1000 by hundreds, remembering the irregulars:
* 500 quinientos
* 700 setecientos
* 900 novecientos
Students practiced quick conversation with 4 people:
Estudiante A: ¿Qué vas a hacer este fin de semana? (What are you going to do this weekend?)
Estudiante B: Voy a...esquiar, relajarme, leer, estudiar, dormir, jugar al fútbol).
Estudiante A: Que pases buen fin de semana.
Estudiante B: Igualmente.
We went over what students had learned about Carnaval. They also listened to a short article about Carnaval and were asked some listenening comprehension questions about it.
We made cascarones, confetti filled eggs that are used in México during Carnaval.
Tarea: no hay. I know students are busy next week preparing for Expo, but we will be having class both Wednesday and Friday.